Visiting Artist Inspirations

 All the artists in this post worked with elementary students, faculty and the school community for 1-3 week visits. Along with a dedicated focus on their medium, they each involved students and teachers in group experiences that made lasting impacts on the participants. It continues to be an absolute favorite time in the school year for everyone involved!
Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr. - Letterpress Printer

Nastassja Swift  - Felt, Paint and Print Artist

Beccy Feather - Flameworker

Designs for Stained Glass

Taylor Dabney - Photographer


Amie Oliver - Mixed Media Artist
Mixed Media Landscape

Michelle Stitzlein - Mixed Media Artist working with items set to otherwise be added to the landfill.

Jack Glover - Woodblock Printmaker

Collagraphs and Printing Plates

Additional Amazing and Inspiring Visiting Artists:
Jane Joyner
Danny Finney
Paul Teeples
Anita Hume
Lucy Coates 
Meghan Resler


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